Explore the exciting features of our quiz system. Below, you'll find explanations and examples of the different question types, as well as other tools and features available to enhance your learning experience. Let's get started!
This question type presents up to 12 words or phrases that can be dragged around and dropped onto each other to construct a map of relationships between ideas. It often requires some logical thinking to find the best way to organize them. Once you're done, click the button to see how well you did. It's a lot of fun!
In this format, questions will include a dropdown menu. Click on the dropdown to reveal the options, then select the best one. Remember to read all the options carefully before choosing the answer. Just because an answer seems correct doesn't mean it's the BEST one!
This multiple-choice format allows you to select more than one correct answer. Click to select all that apply!
This format lets you reorder items either as stacked boxes or inline boxes. Use your mouse to drag and drop the boxes into the most logical order. It's fun and interactive!
One of the most engaging formats! You must click on the parts of the text that answer the question. You'll immediately see whether your answer is correct. Try it and test your reading skills!
Track your progress through each module with a handy progress bar. Each module is short and typically takes around 15 minutes or less to complete.
Each question is labeled with its subject. You'll also find a button below to open the digital book that contains the relevant information for the question so you can do your own research.
Beyond quizzes, our platform includes educational games to sharpen your skills, refine your understanding, or simply have fun. Check them out in the books and other sections of the site!